- Body Care Equipment - Popteam Ventures - Beauty and Health is the show-room-on-net of our company Popteam Ventures, whether one lies in Zhujiang River Delta and Guangzhou, pivot of South China.  Currently it is much more competitive in the beauty industry, a lot of knowledgeable people need one new management and management mode come and dominates the market the commanding point urgently. - Popteam Ventures

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NAUpro Products - Body Care Equipment --1/2-[9]

Currently it is much more competitive in the beauty industry, a lot of knowledgeable people need one new management and management mode come and dominates the market the commanding point urgently. We are absorbed in making an offer of omni-directional management and administration solution and franchising plan for the people in the beauty industry, the best solution for hair & skin diagnosis, the management of beauty shop software system with IC-card, varied good and cheap hairdressing and skin-care-and-beauty apparatuses, service of series to you. We have more experiences with many international companies as their agent or export to them.Any more, thanks you touch me and hopes you can get you want!

1. Color pulse spectrum: 302 --[Body Care Equipment--Single-Multi Function]

Color pulse kinetic energy spectrum

1.Relieve pigments and senile plaques
2.Erase blood streaks on the face(telangiectasis)
3.Sooth slim wrinkles and contract gross pores
4.Eliminate the activation of collagen and cells
6.Keep skin moist and warm
7.Improve skin activation and flexibility

2. Complete Facial Care: C-care --[Body Care Equipment--Complete Facial Care]

8-Function Units Complete Equipment: 800 801 802
5-Function Units Complete Equipment: 500 M500
4-Function Units Complete Equipment: M400
3-Function Units Complete Equipment: M300 300
2-Function Units Complete Equipment: 201

3. Complete Facial Care-2: F-8800C --[Body Care Equipment--Complete Facial Care]

9-Function Units Complete Equipment: F-8800C F-8800B
8-Function Units Complete Equipment: F-8800A F-8110
6-Function Units Complete Equipment: M-8800C

4. Skin Treatment System: ST-sys --[Body Care Equipment--Skin Treatment]

Ultrasonic: 720 M720 B318 B318A M720A 720P M720P B318P 720PA
Skin Massager: 226 DO26C 728 D021 758
Skin Spader: 7106 B418
Whiten Renascence Equipment: 125 588
M333 666

5. Body Care: B-care --[Body Care Equipment--Body Care]

Slimming Chest Health Unit(10-Function): 2000A BS6/BS6B 8001 C500P
Slimming Chest Health Unit(4-Function): 8001B C501P BS6PA C500PA BS6P
Infrared Ray Space: 8013A 8013B
Ultrasonic Slimming Chest Health: 268

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